Hi, My Name is Adam Lyons
And I’m an International Dating Coach.
Short Bio:
I help professional single men overcome the frustration of dating low quality people to get a dating life packed with high quality women that want them.
- Featured on the Steve Harvey Show
- Written Dating articles for Forbes Magazine
- Voted number 1 Dating Coach in the world 3x
Full Bio:
I wasn’t always a world recognized Dating Coach, featured in documentaries and the media.
In fact I used to be frustrated that the most beautiful women never seemed to notice me and it was so bad for me that even if I did get to date someone it wouldn’t be long before the relationship ended, usually with them cheating on me and dumping me for the new guy,
I don’t want anyone else to go through what I went through ever again.
So I’m on a mission to find the people I KNOW I can easily help get a dating life packed with attractive people who TRULY WANT them and change their lives.
When I first set about solving this for myself I tried to find people to help me.
Sadly what I found is that many of the so called experts are simply sharing the same information that they’ve copied from the same articles and videos I could easily find for free on the internet.
So I knew when I helped people I wanted to do something better.
I spent 3 years researching, studying and testing actual dating studies that I found and decided that i’d only consider results that got my a success at least 8 times out of 10 as significant enough to include in my own methods and systems.
I’ve gone on to use those same discoveries to become recognized as one of the worlds leading dating coaches, featured on the Today show with Megan Kelly, CNN, Fox News and have even had multiple documentaries made about me.
This is mostly because I have a NEED to break down dating into the most simple set of actions streps that anyone can follow.
I’m now on a mission to help as many Professional single men get a clear understanding of the step by step procedures that cause women to become attracted to them so that they get a dating life packed with the kind of women they want to date, so they can choose the one they want to build a deep relationship with.
I make myself available for speaking opportunities and media appearances to help further this mission.